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    This handbook will be your constant companion on your coastal explorations and marine adventures. It will help you identify species you encounter while snorkeling or SCUBA diving, and will also be very handy while browsing through the day?s catch at the local fish market.A total of 832 species are i...
    Ancho: 130 cm Largo: 200 cm Peso: 250 gr
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  • Descripción

    • ISBN : 978-84-15885-27-6
    • Fecha de edición : 01/02/2015
    • Año de edición : 2015
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Ilustradores : LLOBET FRANÇOIS, TONI
    • Nº de páginas : 144
    This handbook will be your constant companion on your coastal explorations and marine adventures. It will help you identify species you encounter while snorkeling or SCUBA diving, and will also be very handy while browsing through the day?s catch at the local fish market.
    A total of 832 species are illustrated, from cetaceans to seaweeds, including sea birds, turtles, fish and all kind of invertebrates. Each drawing is accompanied by a brief description of the species, its most popular English name(s), its scientific name and icons that clearly summarise data of interest (habitat, frequency, depth...).
    The front material introduces you to the Mediterranean Sea, identifying some of its most remarkable locations, describing its main habitats and providing invaluable tips and advice on observing its flora and fauna.
    This book has been designed as a handy, friendly and practical tool that will serve as an ideal companion for an inquisitive explorer, keen to discover the rich faunal and floral treasures the Mediterranean Sea has to offer.

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