ADRIA,ALBERT RBA Ref. 9788490569146 Ver otros productos de la misma colección Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    There is no time for boredom at the restaurant Tickets, where engagement and good company are the order ofthe day. Indeed, fun has been the key ingredient in the restaurant?s cuisine since Albert Adrià opened its doors in2011 with the Iglesias brothers, Pedro, Borja and Juan Carlos. It has become a ...
    Ancho: 215 cm Largo: 269 cm Peso: 1290 gr
    35,00 €
  • Descripción

    • ISBN : 978-84-9056-914-6
    • Fecha de edición : 01/06/2018
    • Año de edición : 2018
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Autores : ADRIA,ALBERT
    • Nº de páginas : 272
    • Colección : GASTRONOMÍA Y COCINA
    There is no time for boredom at the restaurant Tickets, where engagement and good company are the order of
    the day. Indeed, fun has been the key ingredient in the restaurant?s cuisine since Albert Adrià opened its doors in
    2011 with the Iglesias brothers, Pedro, Borja and Juan Carlos. It has become a benchmark for Barcelona?s restaurant
    scene ever since and its recipes have clearly evolved, though without losing any of their freshness or magic. Today the
    dishes at Tickets have fully transcended the concept of the tapa. So, this is not a tapas book! Albert Adrià invites us
    once again to walk through the doors of Tickets, where diners become actors in a film, performers in a vaudeville
    variety show or in a chorus line. Strawberry tree with elderflower and kimchi, Porex with Kalix caviar, Prawns in
    frozen salt, Saffron sponge with bread soup, Cannibal chicken with cassava bone and the oyster dishes, like Grilled
    oyster with black chanterelle tea, are just a sample of the nearly 100 recipes disclosed in this book.

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